BOOKS (Amazon Author Page):
1. Yves Pomeau, Minh-Binh Tran. Statistical Physics of Non Equilibrium Quantum Phenomena, Lecture Notes in Physics Volume 967, Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019.
2. Avy Soffer, Chris Stucchio, Minh-Binh Tran. Time Dependent Phase Space Filters: A Stable Absorbing Boundary Condition Springer Nature Singapore 2023, Python Codes of the Book are available for download here

Nonlinear Waves, Kinetic Theory and Related Topics – A tribute to the memory of Jean Ginibre – Edited with Martine Le Berre and Yves Pomeau. Authors: Bernard Gaveau and Michel Moreau (Sorbonne), Patrick Gerard (Orsay), Jean Ginibre and Yves Pomeau (École Polytechnique), Martine Le Berre and Yves Pomeau (École Polytechnique), Avy Soffer (Rutgers), Serge Reynaud (École Normale Supérieure Paris), Sergio Rica (PUC), David Ruelle (Institut des Hautes Études Scientifiques), Jean-Claude Saut and Yuexun Wang (Orsay), Walter Strauss (Brown), Nobu Kishimoto and Yoshio Tsutsumi (Kyoto), Giorgio Velo (Bologna), Hans Zessin and Suren Poghosyan (Bielefeld)